Re: How do I count multiple types in a column?
Hi @nicoleejordannn If your Quarter column has various values, you'll need the OR operator to check to see if QUARTER has "Q1'23" or "Q2'23" or... =COUNTIFS({STATUS}, "Comple…1 · -
Re: What is the formula to check box from value in another column?
=if(Or(Column@row = "N/A", Column@row = "Complete"), 1, 0) Like that?1 · -
Re: Spreadsheet and Intake Form
Hi @Missy Thompson Great question! And a great place to get started as a new user. I recorded this video which explains everything in detail for you. (Creating the Sheet, Adding the Form and creating…1 · -
Re: Parent Row to display Child Row value based on upcoming due date
@Luke W. You'll need to use INDEX/MATCH formula combo to find the CHILDREN. Place this on the parent row in the VNT column =INDEX(CHILDREN(), MATCH([VNT Due]@row, CHILDREN([VNT Due]@row), 0))1 · -
Re: Counting Unique Values Based on Request Type.
Hey @Brett Hughes , You're on the right track. We need to use COUNT DISTINCT COLLECT function combo... =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({Completion Updates Range 10}, {Completion Updates Range 7}, "Other…2 ·